-What were the best moments of the season 2019/2020First of all, we are really proud to have completed this season, it was not an easy one due to the CoVid-19 pandemic. When you look at this football season in Africa, most of the countries on the continent of Africa have not been able to complete the season. Even if we were not able to welcome spectators in the stadium, we had the cooperation of the clubs to participate and finish the season.
-What are the main achievements of SFF this season?Again, the main achievement this season is the fact that we completed the season. We also manage to conduct our Annual General Meeting, which was cancelled at first. We also carried-out all the competitions like women football that is ongoing now, we have also been able to resume the inter-school competition and the U20 tournament. All these are the achievements that were challenging to start due to the pandemic. We are now focusing on our grassroots for the next season and to have a pilot for footsal.
-What were the challenges of this season?The challenge is obvious. It has been the pandemic and how to be able to contain and maintain our competitions to be able to finish, also to get spectators in the stadium and also to try and organise the competitions especially with the transportation of the teams coming from the inner islands.
-What was the most impressive goal this season for you?It is difficult for me to talk about the most impressive goal as I have not been to all the matches but the goal that was really impressive was the free kick taken by La Passe against Foresters during the League. -What was the best match for you?To me the best match, which I saw, was Cote d’Or and Foresters for the final of the SFF Cup. It was a challenge for Cote d’Or and Foresters really displayed character.
-What are SFF goals for 2020/2021 season?2021 season will be a very eventful season, we have a lot of competition and engagement. We are definitely launching the women football championship. We will also be launching the U20 clubs and we will be having the interschool competition and engaging a lot in beach soccer and also our normal championship. We are ready for 2021, the challenge that we will have is to convince the Ministry of Health to get spectators in the stadium.